Bitchy McComplainsalot parenthood

This year, I did Mother’s Day wrong

I was settling in for a long-overdue nap when I got a text from a second team member calling out. I was unable to coax anyone into coming in for an OT shift so I got in the shower and went into the office myself. Then I got some news about the house in Memphis needing a major repair, for which I do not have the funds, so I contacted my mom to ask to…

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holidays parenthood

My first Mother’s Day

The day itself was forever ago but here in Ihardlypostistan, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to write something about it. I got lots of lovely calls and texts from family and friends, and Samantha was sweet enough to send those beautiful lilies you see up there. They came all closed up but within days were all BAM BAM BAM! with their colors, making Mr. Kitty go insane with plant lust. My boys got me…

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holidays the family


It’s a rainy morning here in scenic Saltillo, Tenn. Bill Engvall’s funny-video show is on the TV and dad’s in the recliner snoring. Mom’s napping in bed. Yesterday we gave my mom a laptop for Mother’s Day, which she was so excited and surprised about. She and Dad have had the same old Dell desktop since about 2001. They’ve done no operating system or RAM upgrades in the intervening years, so you can sort of…

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holidays project 365 (2009) the family

Day 130: Mom and Charlie

Mother’s Day this year entailed a giant box of fried chicken (fifty pieces!) and me sipping on sugary homemade margaritas and watching cable on a big-screen TV for nine hours. I gave my mom a couple of mom-and-daughter-themed books and she was so touched that, the next day, she went and got two huge pink peonies out of the flower bed and brought them in while serenading me with “You Are So Beautiful.” She’s the…

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For Mom

The New Stranger by Sharon Olds (from Blood, Tin, Straw) They would peer in the carriage and ask was your father Chinese, your lustrous, curly-lidded, slightly tilted eyes, your elegant forehead. You were a stranger to me— I thought I would know you, but I had to get to know you— I know your bowl brow, and serious eyes, but sometimes you were alien to me as a foetus, the large-brained head, the brain forming…

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