friends movies music musings politics

‘It’s hard to take risks’

Thanks, chums, for the CDs. I dig, a lot. Today I’ve been a big sack of lazy. I don’t know why it is that on the one day a week when I have a crap ton of time to get stuff done, I lie around in pajamas the longest. Oh, wait, yeah, I do know. Because I am human. Hear me doze. Also, I spent the morning recuperating from last night’s inaugural Yarbro–Dill potluck, which…

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memories music videos


My friend Tamara and I geeked out on band memories while chatting tonight and somehow this video came out of it. Our high school band played “Purgatorio” (Robert W. Smith) our junior year. (I found the CD and set the song to random pictures of flowers and fruit and the sky; don’t get too excited about production values.) Purgatorio from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Here‘s what this piece should sound like. I recall having several…

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music my moods are stable so STFU

Friday sex injection

I’m not sure what triggered it (hormones, probably — gah, I am just a big janky blog blob of chemicals), but last night I caught a case of the grumps and I slept on it and it didn’t go away, so all morning/afternoon I’ve been simmering and wondering how I can make it go away or, failing that, figure out the best way to wait it out. Watching the Kings of Leon perform an exorcism,…

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music musings

Sometimes I get nostalgic for eras in which I never existed

I don’t know how I feel about the hair but I am kinda digging the silly clothes and I’m pretty sure that had I been a twentysomething back in the ’70s, I wouldn’t have felt like such a tourist on this floating rock of a planet. Then again, I could be completely full of crap.

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bloggers music

Well good god damn and other such phrases