I hate/love nature

Skeeter time, and the living is sucky

Holden and I are both covered in mosquito bites. I catch him sitting there with a puzzled look on his face, scratching the little red bumps on his legs, wondering why on earth such an annoying sensation would be happening and not going away. You got my blood, kid. Sorry. In addition to the ones on my legs and arms, I’ve got three of them on my back. My back! The small part, where the…

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design shameless self-promotion

Any excuse to get humping gerbils on the blog

Here’s a little something I put together for the 12th and Broad crew’s inaugural magazine. It’s the subscription card — the lone one! so there aren’t a hundred of them falling out and annoying you! — that’s inserted into the magazine.

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Eyedot Creative shameless self-promotion

This thing I’m doing called Eyedot Creative

Have you checked out Eyedot Creative’s blog or Etsy shop lately? I’m designing up a storm. Ideating and celebrating. Taking custom orders left and right. Heading up projects for friends and loved ones. Having an awesome time. This year my goal is to do some craft/street fairs in Nashville. I had a blast (and worked really, really hard) at the Cooper-Young Festival and East Buntyn Art Walk back in Memphis before I left, and I…

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food Nashville

12DOC: Eighth and Roast

Nestled comfortably on 8th Avenue beside a tanning salon (the window says it’s a “skin studio,” which sounds kind of gross and awesome) is Eighth and Roast, the coffee company whose name I cannot write correctly on first attempt because “eighth” is a weird word that starts to lose all meaning once you stare at it too long. The shop is airy and open and so cozy. I am squeezing in time for this coffee…

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food Nashville writing

Food words

Wednesday night a group of us from work went to the first of two Nashville Nights events hosted by 12th and Broad, a newish group in town seeking to bring together local creative types for events and collaborations that celebrate Nashville. The Nashville Nights event was a two-night celebration of food writing, held at Arnold’s (where I’ve still never been for lunch). We listened to some local writers read excerpts of top-notch food writing while…

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Start the drip: Here come the 12 Days of Coffee

Nashville is lousy with coffee houses and roasters. I have done a truly shameful job of investigating any of them, as I tend to stick to my 7 a.m. Kroger swill at home and the occasional Dunkin’ drive-thru extra large hot with cream and sugar (which I consider a real treat). My routine is busted and sad, it’s true. Nick gave us a bag of Velo-roasted beans from Chattanooga for Christmas. It had been so…

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