news people suck

This is the most fucked-up sentence I’ve read in a long, long time

BUENA PARK, Calif. (AP) — An ex-model found stuffed in a bloodstained suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that authorities had to use breast implants to identify her body, prosecutors said Friday. Whole story here, if you have the stomach. Me? I’ll be drinking the pain away.

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all paragraphs in this post start with I news project 365 (2009) why am I telling you this? work

Day 132: Blur

I don’t even know how to keep up anymore. And they say the ride just keeps spinning faster and faster the longer it goes. I had one of those moments tonight where I let some bit of the news get to me, stop me with a screech, hold my jaw tight in its hands until I paid attention and processed it and it made me feel sick. I read the pilots’ transcript from the Continental…

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newspaper stuff project 365 (2009) work

Day 98: Hot off the Presses

Spent my evening working on a Flash project for work. It didn’t start out well, because I’m still in self-teaching mode (and rusty from the weeks of atrophy following my early February Flash blitz course). But it ended just fine. In fact, I leapt up from my chair and ran around the water fountain and danced a little jig. I hope my luck holds because I’ve got to haul ass to get this thing done…

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news newspaper stuff videos work

Surreal, day two

My friend Coco provides some narration for the scene out in front of our office at roughly 3 p.m. Thursday (day two of Mission: Everyone Suddenly Wants Newspapers): ‘Milk it while we got it’ from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Last night the TV news (I forget which station) broadcast live out front at 10, and the story was about how the paper was the hottest-selling item in town. So, so weird.

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news newspaper stuff politics work


They are directing traffic in the parking lot of my office so that people can drive up and buy editions of today’s paper. Demand was so high that they printed up 40,000 additional copies and they’ll be offering up other promotional items in the days to come. I’ve not been in the newspaper business very long, so I’ve only lived through an era in which print is said to be dying a slow death. I’ve…

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The afterglow

All morning (okay, all three hours I’ve been up), I’ve been crawling all over the interwebs, devouring everything I could find about what happened last night. The whole Proposition 8 nonsense out in California is dampening an otherwise banner day. But as other people have pointed out quite eloquently and diplomatically, tides turn — Obama’s parents’ union was illegal in many states at one time and now look how far we’ve come — and social…

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friends news people are strange

In which Nick Fowler’s celebrity ascension becomes unstoppable

Remember this story? Well, the documentary is finally available. Here’s a clip (damn thing busted my frames!): Online Videos by “I immediately knew that this was just going to explode.” — Nick Fowler, famous journalist, former Sidelines editor, former MTSU Homecoming King candidate Download it from Veoh or see the whole thing here. It’s 45 minutes long, but it’s fascinating. It’s hilarious in parts (“the wilds of rural Tennessee!”) and brilliant in others, and…

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