Fran Moments the family the internet is fun the internet is NOT fun

Look what happens when I turn my back on you, Internet

I’ve been struggling with sour soul lately, so I did a little bit of unplugging, including from Twitter, and what happens? Last night I get a notification that my mother is now following me. That flash you just saw? That was the illusion that I am not a foul-mouthed, drunken degenerate taking to the sky with pigs. So, Internet, welcome my mother to Twitter. She has three followers right now: Me, my sister, and “Britney…

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project 365 (2009)

Day 12: Bookchat

Talked about Revolutionary Road with some other bibliophiles online tonight. Even took a shower beforehand, which clearly demonstrates that I still don’t “get” the internet. If you haven’t read this book, you really should. It’s superbly written and pretty much helped invent all those notions of the desperation of 1950s suburbia and suburban conformity that we take for granted nowadays. Author Richard Yates: “If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple…

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