friends Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 44/365: The Overton Park Adventure Club

Some Sundays are made for big brunches, fishbowl mimosas, snacking on baby feet, traipsing through the Old Forest, speculating wildly about what all those lone men were doing on those secluded trails, and watching the world’s tiniest Ewok rip through the woods, dog drunk on pure joy.       [Project 365]

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friends Memphis project 365 (2009)

Day 235: Best Sunday Everâ„¢

If I told you that I lived a day that included perfect weather, blue skies with heavy white clouds, time spent on a blanket in the park with friends, LARPers, a giant boa constrictor named Natasha, adorable border collies chasing butterflies, delectable fat daschunds trotting along, sweet pitbull mixes, and free cupcakes, you probably wouldn’t believe me. But it happened. [Project 365]

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friends Memphis photography weather

Walking in Memphis … in the snow … at midnight

It snowed Saturday and I reverted, as I always do when it snows, to a hyperactive eight-year-old. Which means snowalking in the park at midnight after work. As always, shenanigans were involved: Full Flickr set here.

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