
The afterglow

All morning (okay, all three hours I’ve been up), I’ve been crawling all over the interwebs, devouring everything I could find about what happened last night. The whole Proposition 8 nonsense out in California is dampening an otherwise banner day. But as other people have pointed out quite eloquently and diplomatically, tides turn — Obama’s parents’ union was illegal in many states at one time and now look how far we’ve come — and social…

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Things that are making me stupid giddy right now

• Isobamapresidentyet.com (seen above) and Palinaspresident.com • My man won. I have backed him all along and I can’t even tell you what a relief it is to see him come out ahead with such a wide margin. I have faith in him and I know fully well that he could disappoint me hugely (being human and all) but I believe in his essential goodness enough to really really root for him to do the…

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musings politics work


I’m so excited/nervous/barfy/worried about how today is going to unfold. I have my hunches and my hopes, but we all know those don’t amount to a hill of vomit-flavored jelly beans. I remember being so full of hope in 2004 and then feeling all that slip away like sand in my fingers. Dirty, stinking, fickle sand that I clearly never had a grasp on anyway. Waking up and knowing Bush had managed to pull it…

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news politics racism


Did y’all see that story that caused Matt Drudge’s latest scandalgasm? The one where the white campaign worker in Pittsburgh claimed she was attacked by a black man who became enraged when he saw a McCain sticker on her car, and pounced on her, beat the crap out of her, then carved a B into her cheek? Yeah. That story, didja see it? Well, guess what. She made it up! HT: Sully, who also calls…

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politics videos

Mississippians, I do not envy your ‘choice’

The race for Trent Lott’s Senate seat is hot hot hot. I’ve been seeing fairly nasty ads (my own observation is that most of the nasty ones have come from Ronnie Musgrove’s opponent Roger Wicker and his supporters) for weeks now, like the one where the mean voiceover lady says that “RONNIE MUSGROVE TRIED TO KILL OUR STATE FLAG.” I didn’t realize your state flag was alive, Mississippi, but that is kind of freaking magical…

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politics Uncategorized videos why am I telling you this?

Body politic

What a week this has been. I feel like complete crap. I called out sick Wednesday with some head trouble and today I’m at home in my sweats, watching football (it’s a bit more palatable now that I’m on the fantasy football horse), battling the barf monster. This is a real bummer, as I had big plans for tonight. Also, I don’t like hanging around the house, puking. I don’t know what’s going on with…

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friends movies music musings politics

‘It’s hard to take risks’

Thanks, chums, for the CDs. I dig, a lot. Today I’ve been a big sack of lazy. I don’t know why it is that on the one day a week when I have a crap ton of time to get stuff done, I lie around in pajamas the longest. Oh, wait, yeah, I do know. Because I am human. Hear me doze. Also, I spent the morning recuperating from last night’s inaugural Yarbro–Dill potluck, which…

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