the family the manfriend

I snooze, I lose

My dad is a snorer. A robust Olympian of a snorer. The kind of snorer who can shake walls and summon earthquakes with his tracheal vibrations. For years I suffered through family vacations spent sleeping in the same room as my parents. As soon as dad would nod off — which never took long, as damn near everyone in my family is more or less narcoleptic — I knew that was all the wrote, and…

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Can’t sleep, bad dreams will eat me

I can’t sleep in my childhood bedroom anymore. This has been a problem for a while now. Every time my head hits the pillow and my eyes flutter shut in the darkness, I see things. Shapes of things looming. Eyes watching. Bad things. When I finally get ahold of myself and drift off to sleep, this absurd cycle of anxiety-ridden dreams and nightmares gets started. Just now I had entered that delicious limbo phase when…

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