food Project 365 (2011)

Day 51/365: Sushi

And a whoooole lot of it. It took me three or four tries in my adult life to get on the sushi bandwagon fully. This was the first time I actually understood. Yum. Still can’t use chopsticks for shit, though. [Project 365]

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bloggers food project 365 (2009)

Day 202: Sushi

The ever-enterprising Erica set up a little ladies-who-lunch event up at Sekisui with her and me and Amie and Emily. Meeting Amie (finally, after years of online acquaintance) and seeing Erica and Emily again was awesome. And you guys? I ate eel and liked it. And raw tuna! And scarfed down more mackerel in one sitting than I’ve had in my entire life. (Click the photo for potentially accurate information about what is pictured. Feel…

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