comedy television

Please don’t make me beg you to watch this show

I swear to you, this show is going to disappear and everyone will wonder where it went once it’s gone. Remember Arrested Development? Well, I’m not going to say it’s that good, but I am going to say it’s damn good and would you look at that scene with the raindrops? I don’t care what you like to laugh at; that shit is straight up beautiful. Please go watch the entire first season for free.…

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comedy television

File under: TV shows you’ve probably already seen but that I want to gush about like I’m the first to watch them, ever

• Spaced is a whopping eleven years old but is still so wonderful because it stars Simon Pegg (if he and I bred, our children would have, basically, the piggiest noses ever) and Jessica Hynes (née Stevenson), both of whom I just want to HUG UNTIL WE PASS OUT. The show’s about two Brits who are having trouble finding a flat to rent, so they pose as a couple to get a sweet deal and,…

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project 365 (2009) television

Day 259: Dear Sweet String

Suave as a motherfucker and one hell of a manager. I have decided to start taking my management cues from him. Which doesn’t bode well for anybody, really, but it means shit will get done. [Project 365]

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project 365 (2009)

Day 153: Horizontal

Sick day. Didn’t feel like plugging in the DVD player so I just watched fuzzy Seinfeld on Fox13. Think my issues are sinus and/or inner-ear related. Doctor visit imminent. Sentence fragments. [Project 365]

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comedy television

Gristle McThornbody

My two latest Netflix acquisitions have not quite piqued my interest in any substantial way, so I’m letting them collect dust while I’ve pawed my way through my VHS cabinet and begun working my way through tapes of MST3K episodes recorded off the Sci-Fi Channel roughly ten years ago. These tapes — there are a couple dozen of them — are in bad shape. The sound is so bad that you have to turn it…

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birthdays friends the family

Growing up

I’ll tell you how I know I’m getting old. Sunday night I spent some quality time with a magnum of pinot grigio and several episodes of My So-Called Life in the company of some of the funniest (and silliest-dressed) people I’ve ever met. There were rules. There were amendments. There was plaid and impossibly tall combat boots. There was angst. And I remembered how when that show aired, Jordan Catalano was the hotness. And yes,…

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