memories movies shameless self-promotion

The young moviegoer

I posted just now over at The Memphis Blog about first moviegoing experiences, and I’ve sat here for roughly three seconds trying to dredge up my own memory of my first time at a movie theater, only to thoroughly confuse myself. I guess I’m going to have to ask my parents, because I can only narrow it down to four contenders (one of which I’m not even sure happened): The Abyss, The Little Mermaid, Driving…

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art music videos

This blew my mind a little bit. Okay, a lot.

Amanda Palmer + high school drama kids + Neutral Milk Hotel = Um, is that Shia LeBeouf in there as the humble emcee? (And how awesome is it that I spelled “LeBeouf” correctly on my first try?) My senior class play was Cheaper By the Dozen, I think, and I don’t remember a frigging thing about it. If I went to this high school, I would not forget this show for a long, long time.…

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