gardening the family

Friday flower No. 12


My mom brought me a pot of these little orange flowers and they spent their first week here all wilty, as though they were exasperated and on some sort of floral fainting couch, but now they have perked up and seem to be doing fine. Only problem is I’m not sure what they are. They have long stems.

Lazygardenweb, any help?

Bonus flowers this week! A lily from my mom’s garden and a daisy (or what looks to me like a daisy) from my grandmother’s garden.

lily   daisy

3 thoughts on “Friday flower No. 12”

  1. That white thing is definitely a daisy. Probably a shasta daisy. Mine are looking a little wilty and gothic like that this year, too. Wait until the blossoms start to die back! Then they really look like something Goth kids would love.

    I don’t know what that orange thing is, but it’s been catching my eye all around here this spring.

  2. Your orange flowers are Coreopsis. As soon as the seed heads form, goldfinches will find them and eat them. Scatter the seeds on the ground when they dry so that you will have more next year. Mine get a little spindly sometimes, but they always come back from seed.

    The white flower is a daisy-probably “Becky” cultivar and it just has some aphid/earwig damage on the bloom.

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