Okay, kids, once again I’ll be down at Music Fest this year, logging photographs and observations of the goings-on. I’m pretty excited since I’m actually getting to go all day, all three days. Usually I either have to skip a day or go down for partial days. Of course, I’m sure I’ll be sick of it all by the end of the weekend, because three days of anything is enough to make me spontaneously develop an allergy. But I can guarantee one thing: I’ll have a tan by Monday.
If you are so inclined (and my company would be super appreciative of the pageviews), give this here page and this here blog a couple of hits now and again over the next couple of days, would you? Or subscribe to the goodness (provided by Jon Sparks, Chris Blank, and me) in your magical little feed reader. Whatever floats your fancy boat, fancy pants. Jeez.
Let me know if there are things/people/acts/concepts/ideas you can’t articulate you’d like to see me blog about. I’ve done this a couple of times before, so I’m trying to find fresh angles on the same ol’ shiz. I promise to keep the talk of port-o-johns and mud to a minimum.
Nuh uh! It’s going to rain all weekend. The other thing you will have by Monday is a new pair of rain boots. ;) Have fun!
I went to BSMF back in, what, 2006? I really loved the way it was laid out and the bands were great, but one thing I was really taken aback by was the seemingly ridiculous amount of high schoolers. Rude ones.
I swear to god, it seemed like there were five 12-16 year-olds to every one 25-45 year-old. And their attitude: Pushing their way to the front of the stage after people (myself included) spent hours waiting for other bands to finish so we could slowly moving up to the front for the band we really wanted to see. Throwing mud, yelling at people to move, blatantly stepping on toes, shoving, spitting, etc.
I haven’t been to too many festivals, but I have been to a few. And several concerts. And I have never seen behavior that bad before.
So I’m curious since you’ve been to BSMF a couple times now, do you notice this behavior? Do you think it’s a phenomena that occurs mainly at BSMF? Maybe there are more young teens that attend?
I mean, the possibility always exists that I’m just a crotchety old lady.