birthdays project 365 (2009) the family

Day 60: Birthday Bonanza

Yesterday was my dad’s 54th birthday. Everyone gathered at the new Mexican restaurant in Saltillo to eat, drink, and yell as loudly as we possibly could about the impossibility of pronouncing basic Mexican words for food. It was a pretty good time, I have to say. Watching the brothers who run the place deal with the avalanche of crazy that comes with my family was fascinating. They were absolute professionals — no orders were botched,…

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birthdays the family

Happy birthday, sis

In honor of my sister’s thirtysomethingth birthday today (she might string me up if I tell the whole internet her age), I have to share this photo. This is one of the greatest pictures of all time. Not only is that blue and white outfit positively smashing, but the miniature VW Bug full of cigarettes adds some much needed surreality. I am obviously obsessively checking the top of my hair to make sure there are…

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birthdays friends the family

Growing up

I’ll tell you how I know I’m getting old. Sunday night I spent some quality time with a magnum of pinot grigio and several episodes of My So-Called Life in the company of some of the funniest (and silliest-dressed) people I’ve ever met. There were rules. There were amendments. There was plaid and impossibly tall combat boots. There was angst. And I remembered how when that show aired, Jordan Catalano was the hotness. And yes,…

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birthdays I'm posting about my damn cats again

Guess who’s a year old today

Freckleface and Gingerballs, that’s who. I tried a to put hats on them but it turned out as you might have predicted. Let’s see … in cat years, this makes me eighty. Here’s to many more years and many more pieces of furniture that will need re-upholstering.

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Everyone has a birthday in March, I swear

Happy birthday, Fritz. I would watch Oprah AND The View, just for you. And for some reason, I didn’t even mention the youngest nephew’s birthday on the 18th. Here he is, sporting a completely heteronormative tattoo I gave him. People need to cool it with the mating in late June, sheesh.

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I was going to title this "Birthday bonanza" but I realized that’s what I called it last year and there is nothing more shameful than self-plagiarism

Hint: It’s in her mouth! Someone I know turned 27 today. I’m not sure, but I have a feeling that she spent the day in a terrycloth robe, painting her nails harlot pink and snacking on oysters and melba toast, watching reruns of Home Improvement and Designing Women, and occasionally tapping out nuggets of brilliance on her keyboard. At least I hope that’s how she spent the day. Also on the birthday bonanza front, Harmony…

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birthdays friends music randomosity

Party time, excellent

Because the weekend was kind of a blur of zombies (both the undead and the liquid kind), rock ‘n’ roll, tequila shots, birthday dinners, friends visiting, superhero masks, talk of “squishing,” talk of cats, talk of sand fleas, talk of dolphins counting in English, talk of feminine drag, and me saying stupid shit and rolling around on my floor, and other people rolling around on my floor but saying much less stupid shit than I…

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“Um, I ordered this one without the extra crazy, okay?” Today’s my mom’s birthday. Once again I’m stuck here and can’t celebrate with her, but I guess we already technically celebrated over the weekend. It’s moot anyway, since she’s in Nashville at the doctor checking yet again on the status of the cyst on her kidney, which is enough to ruin anyone’s birthday. I’ve got every possible digit crossed in the hopes that the doctor…

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