parenthood pregnancy randomosity why am I telling you this?

From the inside out

Content warning: Graphic descriptions of pregnancy loss We’re looking at a scabby, reddened wound on our dog Sarge’s side — a bite mark from some other moody dog at the park. It’s held together by two small silver staples. Richard looks at it under the light of his cell phone and pronounces that it is healing acceptably. “Injuries heal from the inside out,” he says. “Not from the outside in.” The dog seems fine, as…

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Reasons your dog is waking you up in the middle of the night

1. She has to pee. 2. She wants you to think she has to pee. She does not, sucker! 3. Another dog exists somewhere outside, she’s sure of it. 4. She is a machine that runs on love and attention and if her love input meter runs too low she will die, literally die, at 4 a.m. 5. The best stick chewing happens between 4:30 and 5 a.m. and she needs you to facilitate that…

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Every ending is a twist

A lady I work with died. Just up and died, 48 years old, after a stint in the hospital to have a procedure done. Details are scant. She was a sweet woman, great to work with, and now she is dead. Not because of anything she did, any risk she took or bad decision she made, but because of the unfortunate convergence of some random circumstances. She leaves a husband and a couple of children,…

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Life hacks

1. Periodically spill coffee all over yourself and your office furniture to ensure a warm and cozy lingering scent at all times. 2. Make eye contact with all horses you see on the interstate. 3. Buy a loaf of Italian bread and cut into slices that you only eat right before bedtime. 4. Test your dog’s love for you by applying a charcoal mask and making quick, uncertain movements around her. 5. When lying in…

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parenthood photography randomosity weather

Snow big deal

It snowed Saturday morning and stayed on the ground for a few hours. Long enough for us to terrorize the neighborhood with a multi-street snowball fight (involving only ourselves). I was the conscientious objector/documenter, of course. Here’s a slideshow of the carnage.

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health randomosity why am I telling you this?

It’s what’s inside that counts

Since March, I have now had four or five pelvic ultrasounds (yes, both the external and the internal probe Congress loves so much) and a pelvic MRI. Here is what we know: There are masses inside of me and they are growing, and they need to be removed. Here is what we think we know: One of the masses is an ovarian endometrioma the size of a tennis ball (and growing). Until late June I’d…

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Love wins

Today was amazing. I didn’t actually think the cards would fall this way, at least not now, not yet. But here we are. I cried at my desk today, multiple times. That’s not something a news-biz person is supposed to do but I won’t apologize for it. They were tears of amazement and relief and genuine joy for those people I know and love who want to get married and finally can. This is not…

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Status update

It is weird to be watched. To have someone waiting for you display how human you are so he can come after you and exploit your weaknesses. To be the target of an emotional sniper. I wonder if he knows the damage he’s doing. Not to me, though. I’ve been working on being immune to that garbage for a long time and it’s finally taking hold. [][][] I’ve taken the week off from work. Naturally,…

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