it's true — I'm crazy people are strange why am I telling you this?

A weird thing that happened last week

My mom and I took Holden to a nice new park in Savannah for its grand opening weekend. We were there to meet up with T, a close friend I’ve had since third grade. I never get to see her and she’d never met Holden, so this reunion was long overdue. The reunion came and went too quickly and I had to get my grumpy, overheating 2.5-year-old back to the car. On the way out,…

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holden parenthood

The first week of preschool

It went well overall, I’d say. The first morning Ray and I dropped Holden off and there were no tears. Probably because he didn’t realize what was happening. His teacher said he had no potty accidents, he ate his lunch, and he napped for two hours. He was chatty, happy, cooperative and curious. Model student. The next morning I did the dropoff solo, and he cried. It was tough. He had another good day, though.…

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