birthdays the family

Day 181 — Casey’s Birthday

[for June 30]

casey's birthday — June 30

My oldest nephew turned twelve Saturday, so I took to the road and joined up with the family in time to go see a Diamond Jaxx game in Jackson — my first Jaxx game and my second minor-league game ever. We had a great time. I bought beer for my underage brother, the kids ran down to the field to get autographs, I flinched every time a foul ball was hit, and everyone sweated buckets. Sweated? There’s no way that’s right, but I’m not changing it.

The game was a little on the boring side; there wasn’t much action and the only libations the park offered were beer and those Bacardi malt things (blech and meh). The way I see it, baseball is just that much more fun if you’re buzzing. It didn’t matter, though, because I was there with my silly family, and they were hamming it up and making each other laugh. And I tell ya, it doesn’t get much better than that.