Bitchy McComplainsalot project 365 (2009)

Day 308: X

Day 308: X

When I woke up this morning and was greeted by the same headache I’d been living with since Monday night, I knew I’d better haul ass to the doctor and list off all the random, weird symptoms I’d had since last week when I started feeling generally and non-specifically craptastic, or else I was never going to leave the bed ever again EVER. The doctor had not a lick to say about the weird bone pain, muscle soreness, fatigue, hives, sore throat (culture said no strep) or ear popping I’ve enjoyed these past few days. But he did send me home with a diagnosis of a migraine and a scrip for some strong ibuprofen. I was a little sore at the prospect of handling my three-day headache with kid gloves, but I guess that’s why he makes the big bucks, because the gnashing lion that’s been prowling around inside my skull has finally been tamed back into its cage, and only here and there mewls pathetically to remind me it’s still around if I get my blood pressure up too high.

I feel like I have lost so much time these past few days. So much stuff at work and at home needs to get done, and I’ve just been lying in bed, trying to outlast the pain. I’ve got my work cut out for me the rest of this week. But I’m ready to do something besides lie around and daydream about drilling holes in my temples to relieve the pressure. You think I’m kidding.

[Project 365]

3 thoughts on “Day 308: X”

  1. Please let me know if you need help with anything! I could even come over and do some packing for you while you’re at work. We don’t have plans for this weekend or the next.

  2. Thank you muchly, but I haven’t felt good enough to go to work yet this week. I bet they are clamoring for my head. Well, if my head doesn’t decide to straighten up and act right, THEY CAN HAVE IT.

    You gotta some see the place!

  3. Much of what you describe (minus the headache) sounds like a condition I have. After lengthy medical analysis, it turns out I am allergic to sulfites. They are used as a preservative and are found mostly in (brace yourself) wine, tripple sec (used in margaritas) and squeezy fake lemon and lime juice. I break out in a rash/hives that closely resemble poison ivy on various tender parts of my anatomy. Other sufferers I have comensurated with get headaches or flushed face/neck. Some die from swollen airways, which is why most restraunts quit putting it on salad bars (as Potato Whitener), Check it out. You can trust me, I’m a Doctor. (Ok, OK, I have a PhD in Engineering, but the allergy is real).

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