Bitchy McComplainsalot I'm posting about my damn cats again


The cats, in an attempt to prove once and for all that the sun orbits the Earth and Galileo was a punk-a$$ chump, just broke the Galileo thermometer my sister gave to me for Christmas a few years ago. They were playing and one of them — probably Sally — was getting all monkey with it and climbing on the bookshelf and probably jumped off, making the shelf rock and sending the thermometer to the…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot

Confessions of an inexperienced car buyer

This week has been a big ball of suck with little chunks of awesomeness stuck to it. I’m busy picking the awesomeness off and putting it in my pockets for safekeeping. And then I’m going to toss the ball of suck and pretend it never existed. Ugh. So, I found out Tuesday that my rental car needed to be returned Thursday. This came as a shock because I had been told this whole time that…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot

Riddle me this

An anonymous commenter left this for me on the post where I mentioned that my police report still was not available to me: The MPD handles over a hundred crashes a week (on average about 28per day) – and EACH one has to be reviewed by A traffic supervisor so it takes time to get them filed. These supervisors do not only approve these reports they have other supervisory duties as well including making the…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot


Well, kind of out of nowhere, my neck has seized up and I can hardly look all the way to my right. It hurts like a bitch, way down into the middle of my back and below my shoulderblade. I have muscle relaxers from the doctor, but I can’t be expected to get any work done when I’m on drugs. And the check engine light in my rental car came on the other day. They…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot randomosity

Things I do not care for, in no particular order

• Shoving my hand into my purse only to have a bristle from my roundbrush stab me right under my cuticle. • Multiple calls on my cell phone from sugary-sweet ambulance chasers. • Five pounds of holiday weight gain, yeesh. • Coming home to see a dude with multiple big garbage bags strapped to the roof of his not-too-shitty-looking van rooting in the dumpster. • Not being able to cook. • PMS.

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Bitchy McComplainsalot


Cleaned out the car this morning. Kept apologizing to the car like it was pissed at me. What was left was mostly trash (I bagged up a lot of it but left it in the back seat) but a few things were worth keeping and I stuffed them into plastic bags and went on my melancholy way. Sadly, the West Street Thugs tape that has been stuck in my tape player since, oh, 2004 did…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot news

This blog is about cars from now on, sorry.

I will never be able to afford a car this nice in Real Life. My rental car is an ice-purple PT Crusier convertible. I’m sure car buffs would guffaw over me calling the Cruiser “nice,” but to me it is. It’s a pretty new car — 16,000 miles on it, and it still smells like the factory. I like the way it drives — I feel like I’m sitting up higher than I did in…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot

How I spent my Saturday night

I was heading west on Linden at about 11:40, stopped completely to turn left onto Cynthia (yes, my blinker was on) waiting for freaking ever because of the steady stream of traffic coming from downtown (Liberty Bowl and U of M basketball revelry), when some car just fucking plows into me from behind and pushes me into oncoming traffic. Thankfully, the giant SUVs heading straight for my face swerved to miss me and I moved…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot randomosity

That’s why they call them business socks, oooh*

Well, my hooptie is thismuchcloser to becoming junkyard scrap. Lately it’s been doing this thing where it will shudder violently if I’m idling in drive or reverse, and it will stutter and stammer and act like a prissy toddler that doesn’t want to do what I’m telling it if I’m driving and trying to accelerate the least little bit. The TRAC OFF and SERVICE ENGINE SOON lights have been blinking in a display of holiday…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot Memphis Midtown

Rhetorical question