friends Memphis Project 365 (2011) shopping

Day 59/365: Eliza is Bewildered by the Winchester Farmers Market

As are we all. In the good way, of course. Aisles and aisles of fresh produce at sane prices. Huge fish. Animal organs. Giant bags of rice. So much hot sauce to choose from. PiƱatas! [Project 365]

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Memphis Project 365 (2011) yardlust

Day 58/365: Little Sparrow

I now have two bird feeders. Mine is the most popular yard on the block, as voted by tiny winged creatures. Seriously, it sounds like bird armageddon out there most days. [Project 365]

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Memphis videos

Two-Minute Movie: Driving in Memphis

True, Memphis is notorious for bad/oblivious drivers. But there is nothing quite as sublime some days as a drive around the city on a warm Sunday afternoon beneath a wide blue sky. So I made a little love note. 2 Minute Movie: Driving in Memphis from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. And yes I stayed between the lines. Crossposted at my work blog.

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friends Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 44/365: The Overton Park Adventure Club

Some Sundays are made for big brunches, fishbowl mimosas, snacking on baby feet, traipsing through the Old Forest, speculating wildly about what all those lone men were doing on those secluded trails, and watching the world’s tiniest Ewok rip through the woods, dog drunk on pure joy.       [Project 365]

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Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 28/365: Live From Memphis

We attempted a night out last night. I had gotten a field report early on from the Live From Memphis 10th anniversary party, saying it was super crowded, so we diverted to the very new Bar None for drinks and a snack (duck sausage roll: A+, bleu cheese potato skins: B), and waited for the crowd to thin out a smidge. We strolled up to the loft at 11ish and ducked in for a minute,…

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