holden parenthood

10.5.12: Eleven months old

Mr. Pooper: I don’t actually call you “Mr. Pooper.” I just like the idea of being able to say I was “hanging with Mr. Pooper.” Heh. You won’t get that reference but maybe if Google is still around, you can Google it. So somewhere around month nine or ten, you went from being this laid-back, never-fusses-ever baby to being a little boy with big, vocal wants. That has been an interesting transition for mama and…

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holden parenthood

8.5.12 and 9.5.12: Nine and Ten Months Old

Baby Bear: The clock is spinning out of control and I’m trying to catch up. I apologize for my lapse in posting about your milestones but I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the craziest life has ever been and there just seems to be a lack of time every single day of the week. I am so, so happy your daddy and you are finally here in Nashville with me. Those…

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holden parenthood

7.5.12: Eight months old

This post is a month old. I suspect I don’t have to explain why; amazing how little time you have to blog when you start a new job and move three hours away in the span of three weeks. So, many apologies to that end. In fact, I am going to try to post this and I might have to come back and add photos later, since I STILL haven’t gotten all of them from…

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holidays parenthood

My first Mother’s Day

The day itself was forever ago but here in Ihardlypostistan, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to write something about it. I got lots of lovely calls and texts from family and friends, and Samantha was sweet enough to send those beautiful lilies you see up there. They came all closed up but within days were all BAM BAM BAM! with their colors, making Mr. Kitty go insane with plant lust. My boys got me…

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holden parenthood

The line between what is and what could have been

I look at Holden and I still cannot believe he is here. That he is so beautiful and so sweet and so smiley and so ours. It is amazing and heartbreaking all at once to know how differently things could have gone, how he could have not ever come into my life. I read a blog by a local woman who has been trying for years to have a baby — I’m talking multiple rounds…

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holden parenthood work

Working motherhood

I just finished my first full week back on the clock. My boss mercifully is letting me work from home this month, and my workload all week was pretty light so I could get adjusted to being back. And so I could work out the technological kinks involved with a remote login (and there were plenty of technological kinks, but mostly in the form of my router dying midweek and then my new one coming…

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holden parenthood

2.5.12: Three months old

Mr. Buds: Listen, I don’t want to inflate your ego too much because you are still a very new person, but this month you became known as THE BEST BABY IN THE WORLD. I will tell you how. First off, you started really smiling. Like, all the time. Big, wide, gummy smiles that span from ear to ear and make your left eye just a smidge squintier than the right. These smiles come especially easy…

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The time, she has flown

I start back to work in two weeks. The plan is to work from home for a while before going to the office full time. The change of pace seems nice in theory but I have no idea how we will do it, practically, from day to day. How any parents do it. How parents with more than one child do it. Things now are so frantic and hurried, showers taken quickly and chores done…

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holden parenthood

1.5.12: Two months old

Baby boy, This past month was a big one for us. You very noticeably started your transition from weird little floppy newborn with a smelly belly button to your current status as smiling, bouncing, sometimes shrieking-in-delight boy. You got longer and beefed up a little bit after a few weeks of struggles with your weight gain while we figured out that whole constant breastfeeding thing. You finally outgrew those newborn diapers and settled into size…

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