dreams pregnancy

Water baby

I was in a swimming pool with [name redacted] and we were [activity redacted]. (Excuse the redactivity but telling the truth would be highly awkward.) When we finished, he made some sort of overture that something was going on down there, and I’m sure I don’t have to explain the exact geography of down there. I reach down and sure enough I can feel a heavy, round presence there, and it’s getting bigger. It’s a…

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Week twenty-seven

The skin, she keeps on stretching. I now have two rather gnarly stretch marks forming angry parentheses on my belly. They snuck up on me, for sure. I bought the obligatory bottle of cocoa butter lotion to rub the scars away around week 12 or so, but never used it, because my skin never felt stretched or itchy. Ooops. Oh well. I hold no illusions that the stuff is going to make my skin like…

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musings pregnancy

Monday morning, 10 a.m.

I’m stealing a moment or two from the day to sit down and write, something I have less and less time for as the time marches onward. In a little bit I’ll head out to my eye doctor’s office for my annual prodding. It is a rare event when I go a full year without any degeneration of my sight; this year I’m feeling lucky and I think I might even get my glasses prescription…

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Week twenty-six

I keep doing this thing where I Google “26 weeks pregnant” and then prowl through images, trying to get an idea of whether or not this gut I have on me is anywhere near reasonable for its age. I mean, I have got months left to go and I feel like a whale. My belly is hard to the touch and it’s hard for me to imagine it getting bigger. Just today I tried to…

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A homebirth scavenger hunt

At my last midwife visit, I asked for the list of birth supplies I knew I’d need from obsessively reading homebirth threads on the internet. And oh boy, did she deliver a whopper of a list. It’s going to be fun checking these items off and bagging them up to place in the corner of the bedroom to wait for their big day. Bag No. 1 — bedding 2 flat sheets 2 fitted sheets (at…

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Week twenty-five

After living the past several days in an “Are you effing kidding me?” fog, today I have been treated to a handful of digital dispatches from Nashville (with love) and a box sitting at my front door containing OH MY GOD, ARE THERE COOKIES IN THERE? And yes, yes there are. Were. Okay, there are still some left, technically, and I’m sorry, but I just cannot remember what I did with them so I guess…

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Early this morning, in the wee hours, I sat and watched my stomach bounce as the boy used my insides as a punching bag. He is getting bigger, his movements more pronounced every day. I hope he forgives me for all the crying I’ve done lately. He’s getting stronger; I have to too.

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pregnancy the manfriend

This has to become a nursery

The Babytime people are delivering the crib tomorrow morning and an electrician is coming to repair some outlets so I can move all this stuff into the back bedroom, which needs to be the new office. I’ve got yardsale stuff stacked everywhere and it’s impossible to move stuff when there is no spare room to move other stuff out of the way. I cleaned a spot for the crib and decided I’d had enough, and…

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pregnancy work

Week twenty-four

Yesterday evening while I was at work, a summer storm rolled through (from the east, apocalyptically enough) and the sky rumbled and crackled louder than it has in months, making me jumpy and making the ear-of-corn-sized baby inside of me flail around like a kid who can’t swim who’s just been tossed into the pool. I hope to get one of those kids who’s fascinated by but not afraid of thunderstorms, so he can teach…

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