I can't believe I'm talking about sports I'm posting about my damn cats again randomosity television


• I watched the Superbowl last night, probably for the first time (intentionally) ever. It was boring as shit until the last quarter, when I actually found myself emoting over football, and getting happy when Eli Manning did his little anti-sack dance and threw that awesome pass that turned the game around. Could have been the bottle of bubbly, could have been all the food, could have been the company I kept, but whatever it…

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Frivolous television update

Ace of Cakes is pretty much the best show ever. Hipsters making awesome cakes in Baltimore. It does not get much better. If Nick Anderson declines my proposal of marriage, I will gladly extend it to Geof.

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Like crack for your eyeballs

It’s Labor Day, which means every channel is running a marathon of some sort. I have been rendered immobile thanks to DesignStar and ANTM, which have so far timed their commercial breaks well enough that I haven’t had to stray to a third channel (except for a few times when I flipped over to see Mike Rowe doing his dirty thang on the Discovery Channel). It’s 4 p.m. I need to bathe. And perhaps get…

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I watch VH1 so you don’t have to

It is deeply offensive how much I love VH1’s new crop of reality shows. I’m like a junkie who knows her addiction is killing her, but she can’t stop because of the pretty colors and the flashy things and oh my god, is that Brett Michaels? Yes, crackhead. Yes it is. Let me break down the awesomeness for those of you with lives or without cable. • Rock of Love: Starring Poison frontman Brett Michaels…

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randomosity television

Monday-morning laffapalooza

It’s nearly the middle of July, the year’s half over, many people are back at work today after some kind of holiday vacation and I’m betting there’s a whole lotta grumpy going around. So, here, yuk it up: First, SHOCKING LAWYER (HT: Brittney). Next, some Memphis FreakEngine improv stylings (okay, mousetrap Marco Polo isn’t improv, I guess, but it’s still funny): Then, this: And finally, my new favorite show-that-I-can’t-ever-watch-because-I-don’t-have-HBO: Flight of the Conchords, which Sarah…

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drunkblogging television

Liveblogging the MTV Movie Awards … sort of

Yeah, I’m home and the TV’s on and, you know, why not? So, so far: • Sarah Siverman is awesome. • Jack Nicholson is drunk. • I’ll be asleep in less than an hour. • Justin Long just said “fully erect.” I am confused. • Ooh, they just showed Sacha Baron Cohen. Hott. • Dane Cook cut his hair. I don’t care if he’s the official douchebag comedian. He’s hott. • Why are they pimping…

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politics television

Frivolous TV show observation

Is it just me, or was John McCain a huge dick on the Daily Show last night? Part one: Part two: Blah blah blah talking-over-each-other hooey. Has McCain always been so smug? Seems like his recent unpopularity with generous lefties (remember when he was every lefty’s favorite conservative “straight shooter”?) has really brought out his inner asshole. Which is fine; I’m all for people exposing their inner assholes (as filthy as it sounds). It just…

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