I'm posting about my damn cats again

The cats have arrived

They’ve been here 12 hours and already I’ve had to give one of them (who was pee-soaked from the drive) a bath and the other got trapped behind the water heater for an hour. I’ll let you guess who did what. Pet living is tough.

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holden I'm posting about my damn cats again

Uncle Mr. Kitty gets close

Most of the time when we try to show Holden the cats, he looks everywhere but at them, or he shrieks in their faces and they gallop off. The other night we were chilling on the couch and Jack just plopped himself down beside the baby and hung out despite being kicked repeatedly. Like it was no big thing. I died of cute but came back to life thanks to the abundance of life-giving cute…

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I'm posting about my damn cats again

Positive reinforcement

Amanda and Kristin brought us some pretty blue cut hydrangea blooms for the shower last weekend, and Jack has been eyeing them longingly every day since then. But he hasn’t made a pounce for them. So I rewarded his restraint by letting him have a chomp or twelve on my banana peel.

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I'm posting about my damn cats again

My creative director, hard at work

I'm posting about my damn cats again the manfriend

That’s putting it delicately

holidays I'm posting about my damn cats again

Happy Valentine’s Day