comedy friends

Bonnaroo prep

Amber: We need a bucket and laundry soap.
me: yeah
Amber: Biodegradable laundry soap.
So we can drink it and get fuuuuuuuucked uuuuuuup.
me: woooooooooooooooooo *urp*
Amber: lols
me: i guess my biggest concern is the bathing situation.
i get grumpy when i’m dirty and especially when my hair gets greasy.
Amber: They have showers.
Dorm showers.
me: it’s a big fountain, ain’t it?
Amber: And I have dry shampoo
And razors with shaving cream built in
me: cool
does dry shampoo work?
Amber: I’m going to make sure I’m not on my period
Pretty well
me: i will have dreadlocks before this is over, won’t i?
i don’t think i’ll be on mine
although … maybe just coming off it
Amber: I’m gonna get pregnant just to be sure

4 thoughts on “Bonnaroo prep”

  1. I just can’t hardly believe that people really take showers there. It seems antithetical to the whole experience.

  2. If you guys get really nasty and are in need of a real shower, give me a call. If you can get out of the area and I’m at home, you’re welcome to use my shower!

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