
Oranges kind of are the only fruit


About this time every year, I get a real thing for oranges. Call it the legacy of growing up in a band-fruit town.

I exercised my auntly duty and bought fruit from the nephews, who are now both in band, meaning I purchased two count ’em two boxes of fruit. I’ve got a box of amazingly slick-skinned navel oranges in the kitchen. And a box of pink grapefruit in the car. I don’t even like pink grapefruit, but I got an order of those instead of another order of oranges, thinking I could give the grapefruit away rather than just let the oranges sit and get old, waiting for me to get around to them.

I could have handled two boxes.

I’ve had six oranges today. I’m a madwoman. I don’t know what it is, but when they are in my house, I have to devour them. I just want to put on my grey hoodie and cut the fruit into quarters, bite right in and try to manage the mess. Or peel and separate fruit from rind, gobbling up what can be eaten, my hands sticky, juice dripping off my chin and onto my shirt. Like a kid, almost. Just all slurps and sighs.

8 thoughts on “Oranges kind of are the only fruit”

  1. You know, you’re the second person to bring up scurvy today. I had no idea it was still so prevalent on people’s minds! Must be all the talk in the news lately about pirates.

    Gums clear.


  2. this has nothing to do with oranges, but i couldn’t help but notice (on the left of the screen) the air conditioned cock fighting ring article you snapped a picture of…i keep this article in my wallet at all times…it’s historic around here…i even went and bought another courier just to clip and send it to theresa’s brother in chicago…glad to see you caught the “news” as well…

  3. actually, the reason that you like citrus fruit so much during the winter is that it’s a winter fruit. weird how the body retains some vestigial instincts about that kind of thing.

  4. F, Mmmmm, cocktails. Yes please do send that along to me! theogeo at gmail!

    J, That is pretty much the best Courier headline/story of all time. ALL TIME.

    S, It’s weird to think that I have any instincts at all, considering I would probably stick my hand directly into a fire had I not already learned that that’s a bad idea. But I’ll take it!

    T, I wonder what’s in them that makes them so much better than grocery store oranges. Crack?

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