food friends Nashville Project 365 (2011)

Day 16/365: Chocolaaaaate


Why yes, this blog is now officially a food-photography blog, why do you ask?

Just kidding! Although being a food photographer is on my short list of dream jobs.

My friend Ashley gave me this bar of Olive & Sinclair salt and pepper chocolate as part of my Christmas gift, and I think it’s so cool that it’s made by a Nashville company. Not to mention their snazzy package design. The chocolate itself? Well, it’s interesting. It’s a dark chocolate speckled with salt and pepper. It’s not the kind of chocolate you could sit and eat fistfuls of, probably, but I can see how it would be really interesting to pair a square or two with some kind of really good beer or really complex wine. I see that Olive & Sinclair makes a dark chocolate and sea salt bar. Definitely want to hunt one of those down.

[Project 365]

2 thoughts on “Day 16/365: Chocolaaaaate”

  1. Whole Foods, for real. They have the most craving-inducing selection of chocolate I have EVER SEEN, including Olive & Sinclair. (Or at least during the holidays.)

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