friends project 365 (2009) travel

Day 161: Preparoo

Day 161: Preparoo

No time for art. Just packing. That container has since been filled to the brim and now I’m trying to see what I’ve left out. One thing I’ve got to pick up is boxed wine. Oh yeah, and food.

Tomorrow morning (ugh, well, later today) I leave out for Nashville, where I’ll pick Amber up at the airport and we’ll truck it to Murfreesboro to pick up our tent and other camping goodies from her parents. I’ll do my best to put my press pass to good use and check in over at The Memphis Blog and, time and laptop battery power permitting, maybe even here. And I’m sure I’ll be tweeting every other silly thought that rattles its way through my skull, so if you don’t care to hear any of that, you best unfollow and unfollow fast, because it’s gonna happen.

Oh, here’s the weather forecast.

bonnaroo forecast

Not great, but, well, whatever happens happens. We’ll make the best of it or else we’ll end up spending the weekend at a Ramada Inn, drinking champagne out of hotel cups still clad in their little plastic packaging. Either way, it will be an adventure. I’m excited.

[Project 365]

2 thoughts on “Day 161: Preparoo”

  1. I am starting to wonder how necessary the Certain-Dri will be. Better safe than sorry. Which is to say, “Good job on getting the rain boots. You’re going to need them.”

    I wish Crocs still made rainboots. I think I’m going to write a letter.

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