memories videos

Memory Monday

I swear, I make it through my digital clutter at an even slower pace than my physical clutter.

Here’s a (silent) video I found of Felix and Gonzo playing back in the spring of 2005. Gonzo’s been gone nearly a year now, believe it or not.

Man, oh man, I miss him a lot.

3 thoughts on “Memory Monday”

  1. Aw.

    Sweet fuzzy boys. What a good life Gonzo had with you and his brudder.

    Somebody over at Cute Overload mentioned that ferrets are “tube socks with eyes,” and I like that description. Hee!

    Sending you snuggly hugs during a rough remembrance time. I’m sure Felix and the kittehs will oblige with more.

  2. i have this ferret-scamper soundtrack that plays whenever i think of felix. it’s kind of like the wicked witch of the west music from the wizard of oz – only it’s not dark and foreboding…

    what adorable creatures :)

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