
Obligatory thoughts on a movie everyone else has already picked apart

Saw Batman. Everyone said it was awesome, and it was. A little tedious in places, and heavy on the growly Batman talk (seriously, someone get Christian Bale a Claritin, or maybe poke noseholes in his mask so he doesn’t have to be such a mouthbreather), but overall a delightfully whizbang kinda romp, even with all the warrantless wiretapping going on.

Heath Ledger’s Joker is very nearly the perfect villain. Absolutely mesmerizing.

But here’s one thing I just want to throw out there: Were I to live or do business in a city so wracked with anarchic domestic terrorism, you can bet your ass I would work in a windowless office. Sheesh. If I ever see that movie again, I’ll be keeping a tally of times someone comes crashing into a skyscraper through a window. My estimate right now is THREE THOUSAND.

2 thoughts on “Obligatory thoughts on a movie everyone else has already picked apart”

  1. I need to see it again before I pick it apart. Although I did wonder what was up with Christian Bale’s Batman voice. It was that way in Batman Begins, too. And nothing in his bat suit seemed to indicate that it was there to disguise his voice. It’s a mystery!

    And Heath Ledger’s joker was phenomenal.

  2. A little nerd bird told me that the Batsuit is equipped with voice-masking technology. Although that still doesn’t explain why Christian Bale looks like such a weirdo when he talks.

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