3 thoughts on “Open letter to the hot Henderson cop who pulled me over…”

  1. I had that happen to me, too. My incident was with a state trooper … who was quite delicious. Maybe the hot ones are the cops who will always let you go with a warning.

    “Please, officer, you’re so pretty. Can I just have a warning?”

    “OK, little lady. Slow it down out there. You could get hurt.”


  2. Yep, that’s almost exactly how it went down. Only I didn’t tell him he was pretty or ask for anything; I just smiled a lot and acted sheepish because I’d gotten caught hot-rodding. He could barely mask him own grin at my ridiculousness.

    I think it helped that I had all my info — license, registration and proof of insurance — and he didn’t have to ask. I just handed it over and hung my head in shame.

    Plus I told him I was going to visit my parents. Surely that weighs heavily on a country boy’s heart.

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