Needy McComplainsalot


I woke up with an unbelievably sore neck. It’s like a hundred little gnomes took turns punching me while I slept. Or like I slept with my head turned around 180 degrees. Times like these it would be useful to have a personal masseuse* boyfriend around to work it out for me.

I think my sister found my blog. Hey, sis! Welcome to my Emporium of Ceaseless Whining. It’s where my creativity — and my free time — comes to die! Make yourself at home. Have some cheese and crackers. I’ll make you a Sex on the Beach, like old times.

*I just looked up “masseuse” to make sure I was spelling it correctly, and the definition is “a woman who gives massages professionally.” Is this an outdated definition, Or is there an alternate spelling for a man who gives massages professionally? /word wonkery.

4 thoughts on “Ouch”

  1. I just want to add that I would have looked this up in my real dictionary, but it’s propping a window open the moment.

    Sturdy book, that one.

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