
Early 2009 poetry dump

I can’t imagine anything more … odd … than an old-poetry dump here at T&G, since I don’t write much poetry these days and poetry is one of those things that people either love or hate. (And most people lean toward the hate side.) But for whatever reason, I was combing through my e-mail drafts earlier today (*cough*boredom*cough*) and rediscovered all sorts of weird little blank verses I’d written over the past four years, and thought maybe it was time I aired some of them out.

We all do crazy things for blog content in early January, don’t we?


It helps that I have no shame.

Scarlette (2006)
He came over today
and brought the cat
(who peed on the rug)
and we talked about
the new rules
for interaction
and he told me about
— she of the silly internet photos —
and I said mean things
about mouthbreathers
while sipping on
meaty red wine

and you know what they say:

you let the cat pee on the rug once …

For a ghost (2006)
I dressed up today
for a ghost
and paced slowly
in front of the mirror
grazing the contours
of these deliciously wide hips
with hungry eyes
or at least eyes I hoped he’d use
if he was here

Fluorescent (2005)
you stand,
my eyes on your back,
your hands in your hair,
the earth rotating slowly,
keeping us a respectable distance apart.

And, just to tie it all together, I’d like to link to one of my very favorite poems that I’ve written.