Project 365 (2011)

Day 104/365: My New Project

Day 104/365: My New Project

I feel like I’ve been sitting on the biggest secret in the world.

And truly, I have. This little passenger came on board in February and shook my shit up. For a good long while there I thought I was losing my grip and finally making the long drop into madness. Turns out it was just my brain and body getting themselves aligned for what is to come. And what an alignment that was.

Of course, I’m going against superstition and common sense by saying anything about this publicly before the 12th week, but I just can’t keep a lid on it any longer. And getting it out there in the open makes me feel so much lighter, so much happier, so much more hopeful.

I let myself get eaten up with worry these past few days. Seeing this and hearing that whooshy 173-beat-per-minute heartbeat? Unbelievable. I put my arms up in the air in a V sign. Gooooooaaaal!

Of all the things I imagined myself getting into this year, this is by far the strangest and the coolest and the most promising. I can’t wait to meet whoever’s in there.

[Project 365]

24 thoughts on “Day 104/365: My New Project”

  1. This is so awesome!! Congrats!!!!!!!!

    And I’m going with Richard – there’s no way you’re going to top this day in your year (well, until the obvious day that’s coming up later). :)

    You will be a most excellent mom. That’s one lucky tadpole.

  2. Babysitter volunteer here, if you don’t mind your crazy aunt warping young minds and so forth!

  3. Congratulations, Lindsey. I can’t think of anything clever so I’m just going to say that I’m super happy for you and I think you’ll be a fantastic mom.

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