Memphis project 365

Day 174 — Welcome to Stepford

[For June 23]

welcome to stepford — June 23

Made my first trek down to Harbor Town today. What an odd place that is. Colorful high-dollar houses crammed together on a tiny sandbar. Just seems weird, and a little precarious, living so low and close to the water. And in the distance you can see the city, marked by the tip of the Pyramid. So close, and yet so far.

Project 365

2 thoughts on “Day 174 — Welcome to Stepford”

  1. Yep. The one time someone drove me around down there, I had the exact same thought. And that was long before the most recent Stepford flick came out, heh.

    Here’s an odd piece of trivia about that place – can you believe that that’s where Courtney Love lived when they were filming The People vs. Larry Flynt here? Can you see her down there? I swear it’s the truth, tho.

  2. Harbortown is quite . . . creepy is the best word I think.

    The Uptown development also leaves me feeling a bit uneasy. The first time I saw it I whispered to a friend that it looked like the village from Edward Scissorhands.

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