birthdays friends movies project 365

Day 210 — Balls

[for Sunday, July 29]

balls — july 29

Kristin and Lonnie are in town for a few days to visit and go see the White Stripes tomorrow. Yesterday, we went to see the Simpsons movie (my verdict: Meh; too much Homer, not enough of the other characters, etc., but the animation was lovely on the IMAX screen) and then, afterward, when we realized Rendezvous was closed and when the Flying Fish was packed, we ducked into Automatic Slim’s for some yummy and overpriced fashion food. Yesterday was also Lonnie’s birthday, so we took him to the Blue Monkey for drinks and pool, and now that I think about it, I had meant to buy him a birthday drink but didn’t. Oops. Maybe I can make up for that tonight.

Project 365

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