project 365 travel

Day 351 — Chicago

[for Monday, Dec. 17]

chicago — dec 17

Even though I felt like absolute crap all day (the sinus infection, she is taking her time to take hold but is already wreaking havoc on my head and my ears), Chicago managed to charm me enough to make me go outside — as underdressed as a lifelong Tennessean who owns no real winter coats can be at 8:30 at night to take photographs of its famed Magnificent Mile until I feared frostbite and had to return to the hotel room.

I need more time with you, Chicago. We’ll meet again some day.

Project 365

2 thoughts on “Day 351 — Chicago”

  1. you need to join us next time we go…you can’t get a better tour than that of a chicago cop and his younger sister…navy pier and its beer gardens, billy goat’s and their cheezborgers (grilled cheez for me, please!), wrigleyville and its pubs, lincoln park zoo and its payless entry…bliss i tell you!


  2. That would be freakin’ awesome. I think I got to see about .08 percent of the city. If that much. I’d love to see more.

    Mmmmm, cheezborgers.

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