5 thoughts on “Mission update, for those who care”

  1. What’s a little freaky is I did the whole “spring cleaning” thing today, too. And I always hated it when I was a kid.

    What gives???

  2. My definition of “spring cleaning” consists of sitting in front of the television for 2 days and getting up occassionally to sweep…or do dishes…or throw away old papers…or condense my many stacks of mail into one stack of mail…cleaning stacks of things off of chairs…and ultimatley rearranging the furniture only to not like it and put it right back the way it was.

  3. T, oh I still hate it. Which is why I’ve touched nothing but the balcony. It will be fall before I get around to spring cleaning inside.

    SS, I dedicated a whole post to answering that very question.

    LP, see, that’s a little more my speed. Only sometimes I add “pull everything out of my walk-in closet and go through every box and book until I’m tired of shit cluttering the living room, then I shove everything back into the closet haphazardly and with reckless abandon” to the regimen.

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