art music videos

This blew my mind a little bit. Okay, a lot.

Amanda Palmer + high school drama kids + Neutral Milk Hotel = Um, is that Shia LeBeouf in there as the humble emcee? (And how awesome is it that I spelled “LeBeouf” correctly on my first try?) My senior class play was Cheaper By the Dozen, I think, and I don’t remember a frigging thing about it. If I went to this high school, I would not forget this show for a long, long time.…

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art project 365 (2009)

Day 96: The Mindfield

I had a little time to spare on the trip back to Memphis today, so I took a detour up to Brownsville to check out Billy Tripp’s Mindfield, which I’d heard about from FearlessVK first, and then subsequently from other people saying how cool it was. And indeed, it’s a pretty bizarre, quirky, amazing thing to behold. It’s a little like looking at a three-dimensional version of one of those surreal drawings in the Scrutineyes…

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project 365 (2009) work

Day 56: Don’t Give Up

Lots of stuff happening, swirling around the glass, catching the light. I like it when my brain is occupied, and I like it even more when lots of different parts of my brain are occupied. Less risk of grey-matter atrophy then. Tonight I spent a hefty portion of time reacquainting myself with Flash, after a multi-week hiatus. Lucky me, I got to dink with Flash 4 rather than the Flash 2 I was “trained” in.…

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art friends project 365 (2009) travel

Day 21: Footwork

I am still paying for my poor footwear decision during my time in D.C. I have worn the same Doc Martens since eighth grade and they have always been kind to me, but I had no idea how horribly they could treat me. I walked miles upon miles, trying to see and do as much as possible in that city. There’s so much to do, and so much of it is free, that I feel…

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