Memphis Zombie Massacre randomosity they're coming zombies

Oh, you know you are

art comedy friends


I really meant to link to this last week but I have that, you know, brain thing. Shane‘s awesome papercraft skills + Curt and Chris‘ awesome comic skills + my photos = BEHOLD! Basically the funniest/cutest thing you ever did see.

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photography project 365 (2009)

Day 244: 50D

My little silver Rebel XTi, which my dad got for me a couple of years ago when I started commandeering his own XTi every time I’d come home to visit, has served me so incredibly well these past two years. It has truly been my introduction to photography, even though I took about two seconds of a black and white film class at MTSU before dropping it because I could NEVER get the film on…

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friends Memphis movies project 365 (2009)

Day 198: Power House

My pal D alerted me to the $5 Friday midnight matinees going on this month in the basement over at Power House, which suits this night owl just fine. We saw "Teeth," which I liked way more than I expected to. Next week: "Fido." Vagina dentata AND zombies? It’s like they’re showing these flicks just for me! [Project 365]

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art friends project 365 (2009) travel

Day 194: The MindField at Dusk

Monday evening, Stephanie and I got all itchy for a roadtrip so we headed east and slightly north and ended up on the sleepy streets of Brownsville, which, for all we could tell, had been emptied out by the zombie apocalypse. Oh, except for RJ’s Hibachi, a greasy spoon that gleefully abuses the “hibachi” part of its name by completely ignoring it. It was hoppin’. We had some time to kill before the sun sat…

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art Memphis project 365 (2009)

Day 183: Model Thursday

I went to the Cove and completely unexpectedly meet a ton of Twitter friends and we drank and guffawed loudly at Supervixens while others sketched the model nearby. Flippin’ awesome. [Project 365]

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art friends project 365 (2009) work

Day 180: Independence Bot

I do believe The CA will be giving this feisty little dude — another of Shane McDermott’s Newsbots — away. I’ll post details when I get them. Become a fan of The CA on Facebook and you’re eligible to win! Hopefully the lucky winner will place him in front of an airbrushed portrait of a screaming bald eagle*. * I may or may not have already used that joke in real life. [Project 365]

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art musings project 365 (2009)

Day 148: Autopilot

Inspiration comes in fits and starts and lately it’s been all fits — sputtering, screaming, whining, sobbing, wailing, grumbling, sighing, blinking, scowling, pounding fits — and I can’t help but try to imagine that this ongoing ennui is going to give birth to a bouncing baby something. I’m just not sure what. And that’s okay. If I’m sure of nothing else in my life, I can at least take comfort in knowing that this is…

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