Project 365 (2011)

Day 104/365: My New Project

I feel like I’ve been sitting on the biggest secret in the world. And truly, I have. This little passenger came on board in February and shook my shit up. For a good long while there I thought I was losing my grip and finally making the long drop into madness. Turns out it was just my brain and body getting themselves aligned for what is to come. And what an alignment that was. Of…

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friends photography


Wa-POW! I just hit you with a sneak attack of adorableness. Are your knees weak? You might oughta go take a pregnancy test. Yes, even you fellas. If you were unable to withstand this attack of unfiltered Daphne adorability, you might ought to steer clear for a while. I know I’ve got at least one more ULTRA-SECRET SNEAK ATTACK OF TOOTH-DECAYING SWEETNESS coming up. My friends gross me out with how adorable their offspring are.…

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friends project 365 (2009)

Day 187: Awwww, Man!

Luke has started talking, and one of his favorite things to say is, “Awwww, man!” I am told that he also says this at the end of grace. Close enough! [Project 365]

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friends project 365 (2009)

Day 117: Ladies Who Lunch With Luke

I was able to get away from work (on my off day!) for long enough to have lunch with Ashley and Luke, and crack up repeatedly as he spit out every other bite of his food into Ashley’s skilled, lightning-quick hands. Look at that boy. He knows he’s got everybody on a short leash. [Project 365]

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