food the manfriend

In which I discover culture, high and low

Sorry for the crappy cellphone pictures, but they don’t let you cart a big camera just anywhere in our fair city, you know. Upon the suggestion of my friend Ashley, we went to see Wicked at The Orpheum on Sunday. I’m sort of inexperienced when it comes to real live musicals (I saw Cats and A Doll’s House at TPAC, I think?, while in middle and high school) and — short of Tim Burton movies…

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randomosity videos

In which my roll is slowed substantially

Dear D of Bitter/Books fame recently threw a can of Drank my way because of its sheer awesomeness, and in the interest of science, I decided to document my first encounter with it. I just want to point out how tough it was to make this video while trying not to fall asleep. I think my delirium can be blamed for the silly sound effects, too. Drinking Drank like it’s meant to be drunk from…

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