I'm posting about my damn cats again

It could kick off a very informative lecture series

I would like my cats to explain to me what makes them like to run furiously from one end of the apartment to the other right after they take a shit. Like, do any humans hop off the toilet and instantly get the urge to run around the block?

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comedy food project 365 (2009) the family

Day 59: Baby Brother

Evan and his girlfriend Charlotte were in town today so we had lunch at Central BBQ. I goaded him into trying the barbecue chicken nachos. He wrecked his plate quite thoroughly (those damn things are tasty) and then proclaimed that he’d had so much to eat that, later, he’d probably be able to “shit through a screen and never hit a wire.” Which is now officially my favorite thing to say, ever. [Project 365]

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comedy parody television

One more video and then I’m going to bed

… and by “bed” I mean “to my shitty old Dell where Roller Coaster Tycoon awaits!” I know my Slanket-loving friends (you know who you are) will enjoy this: HT: EJ

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I'm posting about my damn cats again videos


Channel 1: Kitties v. Balloon Behold, a balloon! from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Channel 2: The Cats Are Introduced To Drugs Just Say No from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo.

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I'm posting about my damn cats again it's true — I'm crazy

Actual exchange that just occurred in my living room

Me on the computer, laughing at this (HT: Knots). Jack, looking up at me intently. Me, grabbing Jack and giving him a bear hug and lots of cat smooches: “Kitty, I am going to clean the shit out of your litter box!” Jack, irritated, stares into space as I smother him with affection. Me, babytalking:”Yes I am! Yes I am!” Pause. “YES WE CAN.”

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