
The little invisible string

I stare at my kid a lot. I don’t know if that is weird or if I will ever stop, but I can’t really help it. I love to watch him, to observe his face and movements and drink it all in. There is one thing in particular that I love to catch, and it’s a smile blooming on his face. He will be standing there, mouth slack, observing something (Elmo and Dorothy, for one,…

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holden parenthood

We have a 2-year-old!

This post is a month overdue, but that is what happens when you have a toddler. Madness and time travel. On Nov. 5, Holden turned two. His language skills are taking off like a weird little rocket, just zooming up and up each day. And even though half the time we are totally bewildered by what he is trying very emphatically to tell us, the other half of the time he’s being so suddenly crystal…

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holden parenthood

To my little 20-month-old tree-licker

You know who you are: Twenty months on this earth now, barreling toward two years. I haven’t done a proper update in months and for that I am sorry but I am letting it go. Guilt fuels nothing but bad things and my sparse internetting has not kept you from blooming into a beauty to behold and an ox to contend with should you determine you might not be getting your way. You are strong…

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holden parenthood

We got a walker

Holden technically took his first steps back in early March but he pretty much decided that that business was for chumps and he’d rather scoot and crawl around for travel purposes. We’d try to encourage him to walk but he would crumple into a ball every dang time, for about a month and a half. One day Ray was brushing his teeth and Holden was in the bathroom watching, clinging to his legs, when he…

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holden parenthood

3.5.13: Sixteen months old

Holden: You are pure energy! This month was all about exploration and expression. You are scooting and crawling and cruising all over the house, including up the stairs. Your curiosity is growing and you don’t like being steered away from something that has piqued your interest. You even walked a little bit for a few days! I realize that is probably no big whoop to parents of your contemporaries, who have had walkers for months…

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1.5.13 and 2.5.13: Fourteen and fifteen months old

Sugar Booger: What a wild and crazy couple of months we had! Christmas descended upon us like a load of bricks, but I think you took it in stride. We went to the Opryland Hotel to see the lights and walk around a bit, and you thought that was a pretty good time, especially when Daddy held your hand and let you take the lead for a while. You didn’t care that there was a…

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