art musings project 365 (2009)

Day 148: Autopilot

Inspiration comes in fits and starts and lately it’s been all fits — sputtering, screaming, whining, sobbing, wailing, grumbling, sighing, blinking, scowling, pounding fits — and I can’t help but try to imagine that this ongoing ennui is going to give birth to a bouncing baby something. I’m just not sure what. And that’s okay. If I’m sure of nothing else in my life, I can at least take comfort in knowing that this is…

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music project 365 (2009)

Day 97: I’m Ready

I want to I want to be someone else or I’ll explode Floating upon this surface for the birds The birds The birds You want me? Fucking well come and find me I’ll be waiting “Talk Show Host” — Radiohead [Project 365]

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it's true — I'm crazy project 365 (2009)

Day 43: Before and After

So, as I have done five hundred thousandy billion times before, I went into the salon today thinking I might do something drastic (which I’ve been contemplating for months), and I emerged with a three-inch trim and long layers. HEAVE YOUR SIGHS OF DISAPPOINTMENT IF YOU MUST. But I like it and it weighs about fifty pounds less than it did this morning. [Project 365]

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I'm posting about my damn cats again videos

Meow Mix audition tape, take one