
To the boy: I’m sorry you’re going to miss these colors but next year, it’s on

I took a little solo walk today in Chickasaw Gardens near the little park and lake, where I go to entertain my greenest fantasies — the ones where I imagine what life would be like were I to be the kind of person who drove a Lexus into a two-car garage bordered by meticulously landscaped greenery tended by hired help. They’re silly fantasies, little one, because we all know that even if I could afford…

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Oops, I never did follow up on the neighbor dogs

After I left a note complaining about the barking, I got a voicemail from my neighbor. She apologized profusely for the barking and said she was just horrified to know they’d been keeping us up. She said that she’d had some painters in the house while she was out of town and they’d apparently left the dogs outside or something. She said please don’t hesitate to let her know if they were bothering us, and…

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holidays Memphis people suck

In which Granny remembers what Halloween was like in the good ol’ days

I hate to break down and have a “back in my day” rant over something so trivial, but I am pissed. Adults are ruining Halloween. Don’t even get me started on the idiotic “sexy X” costumes that have pretty much taken over the pre-fab options for women. Of course, I’m annoyed that every costume is pre-fab anyway. What ever happened to making your own damn costume? Or doing something you can’t just buy in a bag?…

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people are dumb

The neighbor’s dogs finally shut up

I came home from work Tuesday night and the neighbor’s car was in her driveway. Wednesday morning I slept until 10. Because there were no dogs outside my window, barking. Ahhhhhh.

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Bitchy McComplainsalot Memphis people suck

The neighbor’s dogs are ruining our lives

QUICK VENT! This is what they do at 6:30 or 7 a.m. every morning … for hours and hours: neighbor dogs who won’t let us sleep from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. And then again a few hours later. Or whenever they’re bored. Which is a lot since they are just hanging out in the courtyard, which is mere feet from our bedroom window, all day and night, seemingly every day and night for the past…

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friends Memphis

C-Y Fest booth: A recap

My first mistake was assuming that I would make it to bed by midnight Friday. Instead, I was up until 3, printing out last-minute signs and trying to make sure I had everything in order. My alarm coaxed me awake at 6 and I went about loading the car and putting some food and drinks in the cooler, only to realize that most of the ice trays were empty and therefore completely worthless to me.…

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art Memphis photography

The happy (hopefully) hawker

Saturday morning at 6, I will rise out of bed like a very large, potentially grumpy phoenix and make my way to Cooper-Young to set up my booth for Cooper-Young Festival. I’ll be in C7, which is over by Cafe Ole on Cooper. I’ll be selling the same sorts of things that are available in my Etsy shop: photo prints (framed and unframed), quirky art prints, crafty things, note cards, recipe cards, posters, magnets, and…

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Memphis shopping

First the purging, then the nesting

I have the strangest feeling that this flyer is missing crucial information. Date, time, general location, check. Warning for early birds, check. General idea of what’ll be for sale, check. Hm.

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Bitchy McComplainsalot Memphis people suck

Rude awakening

Working nights sucks on its own, but then you have to contend with the fact that society gives no shit that 8 a.m. is your 4 a.m. rude awakening from Lindsey Turner on Vimeo. Yes, I am 80 and don’t know the difference between rap and hip-hop. Shut up.

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