musings travel


Up early this Saturday morning. Coffee and a spoonful of peanut butter while I wait on some biscuits to brown. I’ve got the sprinkler running out back, trying to soak the beds and save the flowers from scorching even further. I don’t know how to fight for them in this relentless bastard heat. I am feeling content at the moment — a delicious concoction inspired by the quiet before the total chaos of what is…

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Stray? kitty

I hear her now throughout the day, outside windows and doors, mewing. She’s been hanging around for a few days, peering into the windows and doors when we leave the blinds cracked or the inside door ajar. Sally has barely noticed but Jack has spent a fair amount of time opposite the glass, rolling around and rubbing his head toward her, only to be met with mirrored rolling, rubbing action. Somebody’s in neutered loooooove. I…

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relationships the family

Unsolicited advice

The man was wearing a bright red shirt — was it red? Lord, my memory is bad — and he was smoking a cigarette outside the chain-link entrance to a parking lot Downtown, a grin creeping across his face as we walked closer. “I don’t know if y’all are married or not,” he said, “and I didn’t want to say anything, but if you’re not, you better be soon!” We looked at each other and…

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Memphis Memphis Zombie Massacre

Ray called this a rant…

… but that’s just because he saw the length and didn’t read the content. I say it’s not a rant because the strongest profanity I used was the word “pissed.” It’s also not a rant because I just wanted to record all the details of yesterday evening’s tryst with MATA before those details got eaten by the virus that lives inside my preggo brain. (You ladies with children know the one I’m talking about.) Plus…

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis

Go Grizz

Put the ball in the basket a lot more than the other team, and keep your hands off the competition. Also, fundamentals. And try to sing upbeat montage tunes like the one dude pictured above. You’re welcome.

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 100/365: Play Ball!

At long last, baseball season is here. Thanks to Jen, I got to get comfy in the work suite and watch one of the first games of the season among a dozen other fans. (Seriously, Memphis, what gives? Go see these games.) The game was uneventful and we lost, but there is nothing finer than the whistle of the wind and the crack of a bat and the oof of an error in a ballpark…

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gardening Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 92/365: So Many Tulips

The Dixon has 100,000 bulbs blooming right now — mostly tulips but some daffodils and other stuff too. It’s pretty incredible. Seeing all the variations is stunning. Get out there and see them while they last. I reckon they’ve got a couple of weeks left in them.               [Project 365]

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