musings parenthood work

A Life in the Day: 3.22.13

Last January, I did one of these so I could remember how it was taking care of a newborn while on maternity leave. I figured I’d do one again while I am a Working Mother of a Toddler, so that in a year or two when my life has changed yet again (spoiler alert: it just keeps changing!), I can look back and try to remember what this life was like. So here is a…

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holden parenthood

The line between what is and what could have been

I look at Holden and I still cannot believe he is here. That he is so beautiful and so sweet and so smiley and so ours. It is amazing and heartbreaking all at once to know how differently things could have gone, how he could have not ever come into my life. I read a blog by a local woman who has been trying for years to have a baby — I’m talking multiple rounds…

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The time, she has flown

I start back to work in two weeks. The plan is to work from home for a while before going to the office full time. The change of pace seems nice in theory but I have no idea how we will do it, practically, from day to day. How any parents do it. How parents with more than one child do it. Things now are so frantic and hurried, showers taken quickly and chores done…

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Bitchy McComplainsalot holden parenthood

Two weeks: The complaints!

There is this little mercurial creature hanging around my house and we don’t speak each other’s language but we’re learning. My emotions twist and turn with every involuntary grimace on his face. I am his huckleberry. The hardwiring is intense. I get caught up in the brutal cycle of wondering if I’m doing an OK job and asking myself, “Is my baby happy?” The latter is a crazy question. What does that even mean —…

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