
Week thirty

Another big milestone. We’re just ten weeks away, give or take, from meeting the little man. This week he’s comparable in size to a head of cabbage. He’s slated to gain half a pound a week here on out, and he’s supposedly losing his adorable fur coat. His movements in there are so interesting. Sometimes they’ll be spastic, like a collection of shudders and shakes. Occasionally I will feel what seems initially like I have…

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Peeking in

I am in love with a face that I’ve never even met. I got to see it again, sort of, Tuesday afternoon. Here’s a picture, with a helpful annotated guide in case you can’t tell what’s going on. He’s a champion scowler already. I love it. He comes from solid scowling stock, so that makes perfect sense. We saw him wiggle a little bit, and he lobbed a good punch at the tech’s wand. He…

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Week twenty-nine

Yesterday’s visit with the midwife brought lots of good news I didn’t expect: I passed my glucose screening so I am officially not diabetic. I’m also not anemic. No swelling. Appropriate weight gain. Yay nutrition! Plus I got a nice discount off my bill because of a bartering arrangement we worked out and because my midwife is a badass in general. Baby butternut squash has maneuvered his way into a mostly head-down position, with his…

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Week twenty-eight

Amazingly, I’m coasting into the third trimester. Body feels good. Mind … well, I’m working on it. I haven’t exactly had a lack of dumb things to deal with lately, but I am working on my coping mechanism. Dealing with frustrating situations is basically going to be the name of the game from now on, I think, so I might as well do some work on myself to get ready. That’s enough about that for…

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dreams pregnancy

Water baby

I was in a swimming pool with [name redacted] and we were [activity redacted]. (Excuse the redactivity but telling the truth would be highly awkward.) When we finished, he made some sort of overture that something was going on down there, and I’m sure I don’t have to explain the exact geography of down there. I reach down and sure enough I can feel a heavy, round presence there, and it’s getting bigger. It’s a…

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Week twenty-seven

The skin, she keeps on stretching. I now have two rather gnarly stretch marks forming angry parentheses on my belly. They snuck up on me, for sure. I bought the obligatory bottle of cocoa butter lotion to rub the scars away around week 12 or so, but never used it, because my skin never felt stretched or itchy. Ooops. Oh well. I hold no illusions that the stuff is going to make my skin like…

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musings pregnancy

Monday morning, 10 a.m.

I’m stealing a moment or two from the day to sit down and write, something I have less and less time for as the time marches onward. In a little bit I’ll head out to my eye doctor’s office for my annual prodding. It is a rare event when I go a full year without any degeneration of my sight; this year I’m feeling lucky and I think I might even get my glasses prescription…

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Week twenty-six

I keep doing this thing where I Google “26 weeks pregnant” and then prowl through images, trying to get an idea of whether or not this gut I have on me is anywhere near reasonable for its age. I mean, I have got months left to go and I feel like a whale. My belly is hard to the touch and it’s hard for me to imagine it getting bigger. Just today I tried to…

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