food friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 106/365: Strawberry Pickin’

Courtney was nice enough to invite me to go strawberry picking at Jones Orchard with her and Dustin, Daphne, and her sister Chelsea. The weather was amazing and I didn’t even break a sweat. That’s how I gauge good weather. Sunny? Check. Breezy? Check. Sweaty? Nope. EFFING FABULOUS. We let the munchkin go nuts, picking her own crop and sampling some of the pickins first — to make sure they met her quality standards, of…

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friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 105/365: Kip’s Birthday Party

And so begins many months of being the sober one at parties. It’s actually not so bad. It keeps me out of trouble and I am permanently hangover-free, which is honestly one of the best feelings ever. Of course, my social anxiety does cartwheels around the room when I can’t get a couple of drinks in me, but I’m just going to have to get over that. Things you can do while sober at a…

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Project 365 (2011)

Day 104/365: My New Project

I feel like I’ve been sitting on the biggest secret in the world. And truly, I have. This little passenger came on board in February and shook my shit up. For a good long while there I thought I was losing my grip and finally making the long drop into madness. Turns out it was just my brain and body getting themselves aligned for what is to come. And what an alignment that was. Of…

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gardening Project 365 (2011) yardlust

Day 101/365: What’s Blooming

My grandmother potted this for me last year and called it a bleeding heart. But it looks just like a columbine bloom, only it’s clumpy and grows much taller than my purple columbines. And the internet returns something much different when I search for “bleeding heart.” So I’m going to call it a columbine, at the risk of inciting grandmotherly rage. What else is out there?   Snapdragons, I forget what it’s called.   Creeping…

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I can't believe I'm talking about sports Memphis Project 365 (2011)

Day 100/365: Play Ball!

At long last, baseball season is here. Thanks to Jen, I got to get comfy in the work suite and watch one of the first games of the season among a dozen other fans. (Seriously, Memphis, what gives? Go see these games.) The game was uneventful and we lost, but there is nothing finer than the whistle of the wind and the crack of a bat and the oof of an error in a ballpark…

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Project 365 (2011)

Day 99/365: Outside Kitty

photography Project 365 (2011) work

Day 98/365: Living History

Saturday was an adventure. I took the day off work so I could go photograph some living history events at the Cherry Mansion that my dad’s pals were going to be a part of. I was told to be there at 11 a.m., when photographers would be allowed inside the Cherry Mansion to take pictures with the re-enactors. I hauled ass and got there thirty minutes early, met up with my dad and brother and…

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friends Project 365 (2011)

Day 97/365: Boo-boo

Luke and Lilly hung out with me Friday morning, and I very nearly let them go home unscathed. And yet! We were outside picking flowers and Lilly took a tumble and skinned her knees a little bit. I had an ancient Kermit bandage — seriously, that thing had been kicking around my first aid kit for at least 10 or 15 years — that seemed to do the trick long enough for her to get…

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